Monday, May 5, 2014

Eric Potts II

The formula used in my popular culture is religious myths, rather believed to be true or not, this formula has not changed for most religions. There are those religions who do not stick to the religious dogma as time changes our society. Religion in America has mostly been telling the stories of good verses evil, the ying and yang of life. There is always the higher being that is far more powerful than the mortals, and the mortals need this higher power to defeat the enemy or the evils. It’s always a great battle between the two which will go on to the end of time. The higher being known as God, has characteristics of love, peace, and power. God promotes unity for all people to be able to live amongst one another, and to love thy neighbor.
            By selecting the topic Religion on America, the formula deals directly with the religious aspect of my topic. Describing, analyzing, or evaluating my topic would just repeating myself over and over again, I want to stay away from that for my reader’s sake. Throughout the journey of studying my popular culture I came to the realization that there are stories and teachings put in place to gain some sort of power. In other words, some leaders of certain religions teach to gain power, money, and fame. Some of the teachings are nothing more than a show. The great thing about God is he has given all of us free will/ the gift of choice. We as humans have the choice to believe whatever we choose and seek the truth for ourselves. Some people’s truths will be different than the next mans, but you can do whatever works for you. I’ve learned that God always prevails in the end.


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